
Modul Beispiel #1

"Eigenes Modul" - Hier können Sie Text und/oder Bilder einfügen, und auch Text verlinken.
... hat keine Zusatz-Klasse

Modul Beispiel #2

"Eigenes Modul"

... hat Zusatz-Klasse:
light = Hintergrund heller

Modul Beispiel #3

"Eigenes Modul"
... hat Zusatz-Klasse:
dark = Hintergrund dunkler und
nbdr = keinen Rahmen

Modul Beispiel #4

"Eigenes Modul"

... hat Zusatz-Klasse:
nbgd = keinen Hintergrund


Welcome to our new ethnic-minority business platform!

Do you want to start your own business and would like to know what first steps to take?

Do you already have your own business but wish to get some further advice?

Our team of experienced experts is here to help you and provide you with all the necessary information.

With our "Ethnic Business Support Programme" (focussing on ethnic minority firms) we provide assessment and orientation consulting, as well as specialized seminars on how to start your own company.

Our support includes all know-how and information necessary – from starting to managing and growing your own small business.

This programme has been funded by the City of Berlin‘s „Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit Integration und Frauen“ (Senate Department for Labour, Integration and Women). For this reason, our support is free of charge!

In our seminars we introduce you to the field of business management and provide you with the necessary information about public business-related bodies and institutions in Berlin. Our courses are held, both, in German and German-English combination. The participants will be asked to contribute a small fee.

As you prepare starting or growing your business, we are delighted to be at your service!

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  • OS Linux l
  • PHP 8.2.22
  • MySQLi 10.6.15-MariaDB-log
  • Zeit 19:11
  • Cache Deaktiviert
  • Gzip Deaktiviert
  • Benutzer 1
  • Beiträge 25
  • Beitragsaufrufe 108093

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